Saturday, November 26, 2005

Reality-Based, My Butt

One thing that always torqued me off over the last year was the tendency of anti-war Lefties to note that war supporters often thought Saddam carried out the 9-11 attacks. The idiocy of this was self-evident to the reality-based war opponents.

That people believed this on September 12 based on years of Clinton administration warnings about Saddam and terrorism is not mentioned. Nor is the declining percentage who thought this might be true, indicating a very poor Bush administration campaign, apparently.

I usually settled for noting how Lefties thought we armed Saddam in the 1980s when the only thing Saddam got from us other than a few helicopters was a handshake from Rumsfeld.

But AEI has a useful listing of the myths Lefties continue to believe about Saddam and the war.

Reality-base, indeed.