Sunday, April 27, 2008

Take a Number

A North Korean man who had escaped North Korea, attempted to set him self on fire to protest the Olympic torch run through Seoul. His beef? The treatment of North Korean refugees in China:

Thousands of North Koreans, fleeing lives of hardship in a country that restricts all civil liberties, have escaped across the loosely controlled Chinese border, rather than attempt the heavily fortified frontier with the South. Many live in hiding in China, where if caught, they are deported back home to face imprisonment in life-threatening conditions.

Thousands of these refugees are exploited by Chinese employers who know these refugees can't afford to complain lest they be sent back to the paradise-on-Earth that is North Korea.

Yet another subject of complaints against China's record.

And when you consider that China props up North Korea, getting nailed from the opposite side of the coin, too, is rather amusing. And our Left thinks President Bush has screwed up our foreign policy?

This coming-out party theme is working swell for Peking, ain't it?