Saturday, February 21, 2009

Flip Them--Not Us

The United States will attempt to restore relations with Syria:

The United States and Syria are exploring the possibility of a new era of better relations after years of tension — but questions remain over just how much common ground exists between the two.

A key sign that President Barack Obama is seeking better ties is the flurry of U.S. congressmen who have passed through Syria in the last few days, including Sen. John Kerry, who arrived Saturday and met with President Bashar Assad.

The State Department also announced Friday it has scheduled a meeting next week with Syria's ambassador to the U.S. to discuss outstanding differences between the two countries — the first such meeting in months.

Those "tensions" and "outstanding differences" include Syrian support for terrorists in Lebanon, Gaza, Israel, and Iraq, for the record. Not to mention internal repression. I mean really, it is far worse than the dreaded Bushtatorship ever got! Some of our Left here want prosecutions of Bush administration officials! I imagine given the differences these same Leftists must be advocates of a nuclear first strike on Syria!

So if better relations consist of Syria abandoning its role as Iran's trained Arab poodle and easing off on fascist Baathist Party rule in Syria, I say go for it. Ending one country's support for terrorism is more important than fast justice for thugs who carried out that terrorism. We'll have time for part 2 of improved relations.

But if better relations consist of Syria being allowed to continue doing what it has done, while we just say never mind about all those dead American soldiers and Iraqis (and forget about that unpleasantness about investigating your role in Lebanon's bloody recent past)--oh, and here's a nice trade agreement for you--then I say improved relations are a one-way street and should be rejected.

I'm guessing Boy Assad is angling for the latter. I'm not sure what our young president is willing to accept.

UPDATE: I'm not encouraged:

On Saturday, Kerry emerged his audience with Assad to gush about their talks as "very long, frank, candid and open." We have arrived, Kerry told CBS News, at "an important moment of change, a moment of potential transformation."

Right. Except it's America that's changing, not Syria—sidekick to Iran, and paragon of "smart" tyranny.

In tandem with the congressional stampede to Damascus, the Obama administration has already waived sanctions on Syria to allow for repair of Syrian state-owned Boeing airliners, allowed a transfer of funds from the U.S. to a Syrian charity, and is planning talks this coming week aimed at restoring the diplomatic ties that Bush broke off following the Hariri murder in 2005. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has talked up prospects of Syria becoming a "constructive regional actor."

It's a lovely notion, except that Syria's regime has survived for decades by facilitating mayhem in the region, and then offering its services as a broker to fix the problem. Sure, Syria will talk. Assad in his munificence granted an audience to Jimmy Carter in 2008, and to Nancy Pelosi when she arrived, scarf-on-head, to go nut-shopping in the Damascus souk in 2007.

Oh yeah, this is going to work just swell.