Thursday, April 23, 2009

Preparing for a Domestic Contingency Man-Caused Event

We just gutted out intelligence work.

It will take time for the effects of this decision to literally blow up in our faces, but this is truly bad:

At the Central Intelligence Agency, it's known as "slow rolling." That's what agency officers sometimes do on politically sensitive assignments. They go through the motions; they pass cables back and forth; they take other jobs out of the danger zone; they cover their backsides. Sad to say, it's slow roll time at Langley after the release of interrogation memos that, in the words of one veteran officer, "hit the agency like a car bomb in the driveway." President Obama promised CIA officers that they won't be prosecuted for carrying out lawful orders, but the people on the firing line don't believe him. They think the memos have opened a new season of investigation and retribution.

The lesson for younger officers is obvious: Keep your head down. Duck the assignments that carry political risk. Stay away from a counterterrorism program that has become a career hazard.

But cheer up! At least we won't have to feel guilty about being mean to a small number of terrorists. That will count for a lot the next time we start clearing the rubble, right?