Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Good War Explained

Taheri hits the major points about Afghanistan that I've been hitting for awhile:

Let us welcome Obama’s delayed admission that he has no strategy, and his tacit dropping of his claim that Afghanistan is a “war of necessity,” rather than a war of choice.

Despite all talk of doom and gloom, America its NATO and Afghan allies have already defeated the forces of obscurantist terror in Afghanistan. What they face is the consolidation of a hard-won victory that, unless protected for many more years, could be undone by the enemies of the Western democracies — who happen to also be enemies of the Afghan people.


We have a friendly government in Afghanistan and the people really don't like the Taliban. Any difficulties we have should be understood in that light.

Despite all the posturing, the president has sent more troops without settling on what he wants them to do--even after stating he knew and then after telling his general in Afghanistan to formulate that strategy.

The administration debate over what to do in Afghanistan highlights the dishonesty of complaining for years that Iraq was a war of choice while the good war in Afghanistan is the one that is necessary.

We need to win the war. We need to figure out what winning means and match our troop strength and strategy to achieving that victory. And we need to have the patience to allow our troops to do what is needed.

And remember that winning in Afghanistan does not end our problem. The jihadis reside in Pakistan where they will rest and plot to kill us until the Pakistanis finish the job themselves. Or until we organize the friendly tribes into our own alliance separate from what the Pakistani government is willing to do.