Thursday, November 19, 2009

You Just Know This Will be a Clusterfuck

The trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his fellow terrorists in a civilian court is going to be an intelligence bonanza for our jihadi enemies.

And it will be a propaganda opportunity unmatched since the world watched al Qaeda strike us on 9/11.

Sure, defenders of the civilian terrorist trials insist that we just give them an opportunity to spout their gibberish reasons for waging war and expose their hate to the world, but it is far more likely that the lawyers will get the terrorists to shut up and let legal counsel make the trials a prosecution of American strategy and tactics at war. Much of the world (and far too many of our citizens) will eat that up. They'll love it all.

And even if the lawyers can't get KSM and his minions to pipe down, do you really think that loud ululating expressions of hate for America, Jews, Hindus, and descriptions of outlandish American plots against Islam dating back to the Crusades will be met with revulsion?

Hah! Too many in the Moslem world will nod in agreement, even if they aren't prone to volunteering for the great jihad. And a fair proportion of our Left will concede they do have a point, there, now don't they?

We're giving our enemies a global platform to once again make their case for the Great Osama Jihad.

I hope I'm wrong, and all sorts of wonderful things flow from this administration decision, but I think it's going to be a clusterfuck.

And we're doing it to ourselves. My only question is whether this is a bug or a feature of the decision.

UDPATE: No good will come of this.

UPDATE: More from Krauthammer.