Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunny, With a Chance of Denial

Not being a finely honed instrument of climatological science, I know my occasional bafflement that climate changers discount the effects of the sun on our temperature counts for nothing.

But the actual solar scientists are losing some of their fear of the warmist mafia that has enforced silence:

Scientists, and especially solar scientists, are becoming assertive. Maybe their newfound confidence stems from the Climategate emails, which cast doomsayer-scientists as frauds and diminished their standing within academia. Maybe their confidence stems from the avalanche of errors recently found in the reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, destroying its reputation as a gold standard in climate science. Maybe the solar scientists are becoming assertive because the public no longer buys the doomsayer thesis, as seen in public opinion polls throughout the developed world. Whatever it was, solar scientists are increasingly conveying a clear message on the chief cause of climate change: It’s the Sun, Stupid.

So how long before Al Gore sets up a company to trade in fusion offset credits to make up for the sun's dastardly role in global warming?

Or maybe Thomas Friedman will insist on a Chinese-style reasonably enlightened dictatorship here in order to do the right thing and build a giant sun shield in orbit? You know, just for the several centuries it would take build it. And then we're right back to democracy.

If so, I guess he'll be relieved that nobody listened to his pleas to submit to a reasonably enlightened dictatorship to enforce carbon rationing now.