Sunday, August 29, 2010

Escaping in the Confusion

I mentioned some reported unrest in Bahrain recently.

Strategypage explains this was bigger than just "unrest."

Bahrain recently warned Kuwait and Saudi Arabia that it had uncovered a plot involving hundreds of sleeper agents, organized into 40-50 cells. The agents, often poor locals, as well as men from Iran, Yemen and Lebanon, were financed by religious leaders and Islamic political parties. The plan was to launch coordinated attacks in Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Bahrain proceeded to arrest and question 250 suspects. Kuwait put the usual suspects under greater scrutiny, and Saudi Arabia said nothing. Bahrain said the attacks were to be carried out if Iran were attacked (presumably by Israel.)

Presumably, Iran could also try to execute such a plan, in addition to pushing Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel and inciting/carrying out added attacks on our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, in order to sow confusion should Iran go nuclear and thus deter American action. Israel would not be deterred from hitting Iran, but Iran would have more of a chance to preserve their nuclear apparatus if attacked by Israel and not America.

We'd be a lot better off without the anti-American mullah regime in Iran. Hasn't our CIA had many years to ponder this problem?