Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dil al Bert

Too often, people here who advocate retreating from our jihadi enemies suffer from the delusion that these fanatics are immune to the failings of mere mortals. That is not true:

[When] American troops drove al Qaeda and the Taliban out of Afghanistan in late 2001, they captured large quantities of records dealing with al Qaeda administration. This was revealing. The al Qaeda leadership was constantly being criticized by subordinates for stupid mistakes, while the leaders were constantly monitoring their people for stealing and malingering.

Remember that it only seems like our enemies are sailing along care free while we are mired in problems because the enemy's problems are not covered in the press (This is not a condemnation of the press, but a statement of reality in what the press can find out. Although it would help if the press didn't jump to the conclusion that only we have problems--that mistake is their fault). Allah knows how much the other side is hurt, but we cannot tell.

Our enemies can be beaten and it simply has never been true that fighting back creates more jihadis.