Monday, August 22, 2011

I Win!

I'm late to the party on this. But in response to this tongue-in-cheek post about PETA, a Meatophobic "holistic health counselor" (Finally! A college degree a mere history major like myself can look down on!) declared that my post was all about "hate."


I banged my chest, she says. Figuratively, of course. Literally would hurt too much.

I won't jump into the argument about whether she is right about the effects of a non-meat diet on sexual appetite. But it does apparently kill off your sense of humor.

Meat lovers win!

I love the InterTubes.

UPDATE: It strikes me that I'm being cruel to the young lass. She comes to my site, reads my post, and concludes that the only way my love life could be anything but stellar is my meat consumption.

The poor dear has a crush on me. Obviously, who can blame her? Rugged good looks. Sensitive to a fault. Brilliant. Thoughtful (as this update of concern proves). A sense of humor that makes Janeane Garofalo look like a humorless wretch. And, before you write in--yes, a certain undefinable cut of my jib that makes young women in their twenties want me with a passion that scares them.

Hey, I know these women are out there. I've seen the movies where the young woman falls for the middle aged guy head over heels. Lots of them. I've really come to appreciate that genre over the last decade.

But alas, it would not work. I can handle not eating meat. But not even fish? Or poultry? She's a vegan? Really?

All I can think of on that subject is The Simpsons episode where Lisa gets a crush on a man who is a level 5 vegan who doesn't eat anything that casts a shadow!

I guess meat wins again ...