Friday, October 28, 2011

It's a Learning Experience

Occupy Wall Street protesters don't like it that freeloaders want to siphon off their free stuff:

The New York Post has another hilarious dispatch from the People's Republic of Obamaville (or, as it was known before the revolution, Zuccotti Park). It seems "the Occupy Wall Street volunteer kitchen staff launched a 'counter' revolution yesterday--because they're angry about working 18-hour days to provide food for 'professional homeless' people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters."

Yeah, you have to hate it when people who haven't earned anything demand free stuff just because they don't have any.

But the OWS folks have adjusted to the reality that the top 1 percent have too much stuff that the OWS protesters want, and the bottom 1 percent wants some of the stuff that the OWS people have. They've coined a new slogan to reflect their new outlook:

We are the 9998%

And if the movement takes off to attract more followers? Well, OWS can just adjust the number downward to keep the new scruffy rabble out of their gated protest community.

I'm an optimist. I like to think that even young people who thought it was a good idea to borrow $100,000 for their BA in Grievance Studies can learn when confronted with reality.

UPDATE: More optimism on the learning potential. Perhaps in addition to learning about the problems with "to each according to their need," the OWS protesters will learn that "from each according to their ability" doesn't require more than a dozen or so drummers.