Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Where's Kimniss?

North Korea's army is involved in a giant version of the hunger games:

One of the more disturbing revelations is the growing hunger problem in the north and how that is impacting the military. Apparently North Korea has shifted more military resources to the nuclear and ballistic missile programs and part of that shift involved cutting food supplies to the troops. The way this works officers and their families still eat well but the most junior troops (recruits and those only in a year or so) are given just enough to stay alive. Soldiers who demonstrate their loyalty are given more food and this works to control the growing unrest in the ranks. What it does not control is the growing incidence of theft (especially of food or anything that can be sold or exchanged for food) by the constantly hunger young soldiers.

So much for the "military first" policy that The Un tried to reimpose.

Given the reason North Korea abandoned that policy for a survival strategy of "kooks, spooks, and nukes," this development is no surprise.

Okay, there's a bit of a surprise. The saying is never do an enemy a small harm, since it just angers them without crippling their ability to retaliate. I assumed that starving the military of resources might prompt resistance to the North Korean regime.

I never suspected that the regime would take that advice to heart for their own army and literally starve the military to keep them too busy surviving to think of resistance.

Will someone arise from the impoverished districts to lead a rebellion?