Friday, April 28, 2017

Two Out of Three Isn't Bad

The Navy has another "expeditionary fast transport." The 8th of 12 planned:

EPFs are shallow draft, all aluminum, commercial-based catamarans capable of intra-theater personnel and cargo transport that provide combatant commanders high-speed sealift mobility. EPFs enable rapid projection and agile maneuver and transport of personnel, equipment and supplies over operational distances and offer access to harsh and degraded offload points. ...

As versatile, non-combatant vessels, EPFs provide increased operational flexibility for a wide range of activities including maneuver and sustainment, relief operations, and flexible logistics support.

One, why "EPF" stands for "expeditionary fast transport" is beyond my comprehension.

Two, these used to be Army assets. I hate to think that these vessels might be counted when tallying up our fleet numbers.

Three, and this is related to their original status, what is "expeditionary" about a non-combatant vessel based on a civilian ship's construction standards?

Don't expect this ship to deposit Marines on any hostile shore. At best an EPF can transport forces between secured locations. And it is fast for a surface vessel.

So two out of three isn't bad.